Semantic Metadata

Five ideas to immediately benefit from semantic metadata in the industrial environment.


1. Describe your automation equipment with characteristics such as type, function, performance, interfaces, etc.

2. Underlay these characteristics with an information model that can be evaluated by machine, for example Automation ML


1. Use ontologies, formal descriptions of concepts and relationships, to define and standardize the semantics of your data, and to enable inference and query.

2. For example, use SAREF4INMA, an extension of the Smart Appliances Reference Ontology (SAREF) for industrial machinery and equipment.


1. Enhance your data with annotations, that is, additional information that explains its content or context.

2. For example, use RDFa annotations to embed RDF triples in your HTML documents.


1. Taxonomies are hierarchical classifications of terms or concepts in a particular domain of knowledge and are used to organize, categorize, or navigate data.

2. For example, use eCl@ss classifications as a cross-industry standard for describing your products and services.


1. Organize your meta-data into authoritative schemas to ensure hassle-free machine processing.

2. Look at already established schemas such as iiRDS, Dublin Core, or MODS before reinventing the wheel.

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