Use of state-of-the-art data protection technologies for the competitive advantage of SMEs

In an increasingly digital world in which data forms the basis of every business decision, protecting this information is becoming ever more important. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) face particular challenges in this regard. But thanks to the advanced technologies of OctoMesh and the expertise of meshmakers, there is now a solution that harmoniously combines data protection and efficiency. 


As part of our "Privacy by Design" activities, we are developing a data-driven platform based on a data mesh architecture that integrates strict data protection principles. This innovative approach offers small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) a wide range of economic benefits: 

  • Strengthen competitiveness: Data protection is not only perceived as a legal obligation, but also as a strategic advantage. 
  • Increase efficiency: By anonymizing and filtering personal data, resources are conserved and performance gains are achieved in the evaluation. 
  • Improve customer retention and acquisition: Transparent handling of data promotes trust and loyalty. 
  • Minimize risks: A robust data protection framework reduces the risk of data breaches and the associated costs. 

Tapping into new market opportunities: Data protection-compliant data processing opens up new business models and cooperation opportunities. 


Our platform creates an environment in which data owners can securely share their information with data consumers. It acts as a privacy barrier that filters and anonymizes critical data. The data owner always retains ownership of their data, which does not have to be transferred. This saves resources and improves performance. 


  1. Filtering and anonymization: Protecting sensitive information through effective anonymization techniques. 
  2. Integrated algorithms: Processing of data directly within the platform, whereby only the results are passed on. 
  3. Conservation of resources: By dispensing with physical data transfers, time and costs are saved. 

An illustrative example shows how an SME was able to make remarkable progress by using our platform. By implementing the OctoMesh platform in production, the company was able to optimize its processes for analyzing ESG-relevant data while ensuring compliance with data protection regulations. 


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