How the EU NIS 2 affects critical infrastructure providers

The European Union is implementing a new set of regulations called the Network and Information Security (NIS) Directive 2.0, which will have significant implications for suppliers who provide services to customers within the EU. This directive is intended to ensure that companies providing services such as cloud computing, search engines, online marketplaces, and data networks adhere to certain security standards.

In a nutshell: What is the EU NIS 2?

The Network and Information Security (NIS) Directive 2.0 is an initiative from the European Union that sets forth requirements for companies offering services within the EU. These services include cloud computing, search engines, online marketplaces, and data networks. The directive requires all such companies to adhere to certain security standards in order to protect customer data and prevent threats such as cyber-attacks and data breaches.

EU NIS 2 is an update to the original Network and Information Security Directive of 2016, which was aimed at increasing cyber resilience across the European Union. This new version includes updates on incident reporting timelines, compliance requirements, risk assessments, and other changes. It also provides additional guidance on how organizations can better protect themselves from cyber threats by implementing preventative measures such as regular security testing and patching processes.

In addition to these updates, EU NIS 2 also introduces new concepts such as Digital Service Providers (DSPs). DSPs are entities that provide digital services within Europe, including cloud computing providers, search engines, online marketplaces, social media platforms, e-commerce sites, etc. These providers must adhere to specific regulations set out in EU NIS 2 or face hefty fines or even suspension of their operations within Europe.

How Does It affect Suppliers?

For suppliers providing services to customers in the EU, it's important that they understand how NIS 2 applies to them. In particular, they should be aware of the requirements they must meet in order to remain compliant with the directive. These include developing appropriate technical measures to protect customer data; implementing processes for detecting security events; training personnel on security measures; and maintaining records of all relevant activities and incidents. Additionally, suppliers must also notify authorities if they become aware of any potential or actual security events related to their services or customers' data. Finally, suppliers must also assess their preparedness for responding appropriately when a security event occurs.

What Steps Can Suppliers Take to Ensure Compliance?

To comply with NIS 2 requirements, suppliers should begin by identifying any areas where their current practices do not meet regulatory standards. This could involve assessing existing technical measures used for protecting customer data or reviewing incident response procedures that are currently in place. From there, it's important for suppliers to develop specific strategies for addressing any deficiencies identified during the review process in line with NIS 2 requirements. Once these strategies have been implemented, it's essential that they're regularly monitored and updated as necessary to maintain compliance over time. Furthermore, suppliers should also consider investing in third-party security solutions such as intrusion detection systems or vulnerability scanning tools that can help them identify potential threats before they become a problem.


The Network and Information Security Directive (NIS Directive 2) is a major European Union initiative that sets out specific requirements for companies providing services in Member States. It is important for suppliers providing such services to understand how the Directive applies to them and what steps need to be taken to remain compliant in the long term. By taking proactive measures such as reviewing existing processes against the legal standards, developing strategies to address deficiencies, investing in third-party security solutions, monitoring progress and updating practices as necessary, suppliers can ensure that their business remains compliant with NIS2 while providing an excellent service to customers across Europe.

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