Critical security controls: Only a few measures can prevent cyber attacks in the long term

IIn today's digital landscape, cyberattacks are an ever-present threat. Companies around the world are looking for effective strategies to protect their networks and data from such attacks. Various frameworks are being used, including ISO 27001, IEC 62443 and BSI Grundschutz. One notable finding in recent years is that just a few basic measures can prevent up to 85% of successful cyber attacks. But what are these measures and how can they be implemented effectively? 


Cybersecurity frameworks such as ISO 27001 and IEC 62443 provide organizations with structured approaches to systematically improve their security measures. Although there are other frameworks, such as the NIST CSF (Cyber Security Framework), these two enjoy great popularity due to their current editions, as they enable targeted scoping. This results in less effort, while the implementation of the recommendations remains highly effective. Studies show that the implementation of all measures of these frameworks can even ward off up to 97% of attacks. 


Here we present the five key framework measures that can have a significant impact on your cyber defense. 

1. inventory and control of hardware assets 

A common attack vector in secure networks is the manipulation or inadequate securing of hardware. This includes PCs, servers and embedded devices such as WLAN access points and industrial components. A comprehensive inventory of all hardware assets is essential to identify new and unauthorized devices, remove insecure systems and establish effective patch management. 

2. inventory and control of software assets 

As with the hardware inventory, the software running on it must also be recorded and checked. This applies to operating systems, firmware and applications. An up-to-date database makes it possible to prioritize software and services according to criticality and to update or test them regularly 

3. continuous weak-point management 

A complete overview of the hardware and software in use is the basis for effective vulnerability management. Tools such as OpenVAS or Nessus can check existing systems for known vulnerabilities. However, special precautions must be taken in production environments and industrial networks in order to avoid system malfunctions. 

4. controlled use of administrative privileges 

Administrator and superuser accounts offer attackers extensive opportunities if they fall into the wrong hands. Sensitive systems should therefore have a comprehensible authorization concept. Users should be assigned the lowest possible rights sets and personalized user profiles. Rights should be managed centrally and checked regularly. 

5. secure configuration of hardware and software 

Many devices are delivered with default settings that are geared towards user-friendliness and not security. This applies to passwords, installed software and open ports and services. It is important to document and manage security-relevant configurations and to set clear guidelines for the use of new and existing hardware and software based on security policies. 


Implementing the above measures from the available frameworks can significantly strengthen your company's protection. Instead of waiting for the next attack, be proactive and implement these measures. Defending against cyberattacks requires constant vigilance and regular review and adjustment of your security strategies. 

 Act now!

If you would like to find out more about how these measures can be implemented in your company and how you can strengthen your cyber defenses, please contact us. Our experts are available to guide you through this process and develop customized solutions for your business. 

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