What is an Industrial Data Mesh?

An "industrial data mesh" refers to a decentralized architecture for managing and sharing data across an industrial organization. The concept is based on the idea of a "service mesh" in software engineering, which is a way to manage and control communication between microservices in a distributed system.

In the context of industrial data, a data mesh would be designed to enable the sharing of data across different parts of an organization in a secure, flexible, and scalable way. This might include data from manufacturing systems, sensor networks, supply chain systems, and other sources.


An industrial data mesh typically includes several key components:


- Data Producers: These are the systems or devices that generate data, such as manufacturing equipment or sensor networks.

- Data Consumers: These are the systems or applications that need to access data, such as control systems or analytics platforms.

- • Data Mesh Hub: This acts as a centralized hub for managing data flow and access control. It also provides functionalities such as data routing, observability, security and resiliency.


An industrial data mesh aims to enable data to flow in a more efficient and effective manner, reducing data silos and providing a more comprehensive view of the organization's operations. This can help organizations improve operational efficiency, increase collaboration across teams and departments, and make better-informed decisions.

In the Industry 4.0 and IIoT (Industrial internet of things) context, the data mesh provides the underlying infrastructure to build highly customizable, autonomous, and adaptable systems.


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